Big Hill Challenge

Experience the most beautiful ride in Middle Tennessee!
Nestled just east of Nashville, Tennessee, historic Watertown provides the perfect setting to gather before and after the ride. The routes combine breathtaking scenery, and challenging terrain for an unforgettable cycling adventure.
Four routes are featured for cyclists of all ages and abilities who want challenges, or just a good day on the bike. Routes include a fitness ride perfect for beginning cyclists and families, a rolling 31 mile route that runs along creek beds and pastures, a 62 mile route that takes you up and around Center Hill for a memorable climb and breathtaking descent, and 100 mile route for century riders looking for a challenge punctuated with hills, valleys and roads off the beaten path.
All routes are supported with Road Marshals and SAG vehicles to keep you on course and safe. Rest stops are stocked with plentiful food and hydration. Mechanical support is available at the start and at each rest stop.
A post ride lunch is served on the wrap around porch and lawn of the historic Watertown B&B.
Cyclists of all ages and ability levels are invited to enjoy one of four scenic routes through the Middle Tennessee countryside. Come see what Historic Watertown and the Veloteers Bicycle Club have in store for you!

Date and Time
Thursday Jun 10, 2027
7:00 AM - 3:00 PM CDT
Registration is at the Watertown Middle School from 6am to 7am. The ride starts from the town square at 7am.
Fitness 13 mile $20
Half Metric 30 mile - $50
Metric 62 mile - $50
Century 100 mile - $50
Contact Information
Colette Lanham-Stoffel
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